Bomag BW138AD. Year 2011. 1489 hours. 1 owner in good working order
Bomag BW213DH-4. Year 2010. Single drum roller. Only 1948 hours. Work lights and beacon. The roller is exceptionally tidy and ready to work
Terex TV1200 roller. Year 2002. 1216 hours. Rops. Beacon. In good working order
Bomag BW71E-2, Year 2007. Hatz diesel engine. Electric start. Fitted with a November 2014 engine
Bomag BW71E-2, Year 2007. Hatz diesel engine. Electric start. Fitted with a July 2017 engine
Bomag BW71E-2. Year 2017. New engine fitted June 2023. Diesel Hatz engine. Electric start. Excellent coni
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